CJ Series – CJ1W-NC[][]4 – High-Speed type – Omron Position Control Units

USD $ 881.54USD $ 1,341.34


General Specifications

Specification item Model
CJ1W-NC214/234 CJ1W-NC414/434
Power supply voltage 5 VDC (unit)
24 VDC (external power supply)
Allowable power supply voltage range 21.6 to 26.4 VDC (external power supply)
Internal current consumption 5 VDC, 270 mA maximum 5 VDC, 310 mA maximum
Current consumption of external power supply 24 VDC
NC214 13 mA maximum
NC234 44 mA maximum
24 VDC
NC414 26 mA maximum
NC434 90 mA maximum
Dimensions 90 × 51 × 65 (H × W × D) 90 × 62 × 65 (H × W × D)
Weight 170 g maximum 220 g maximum
Ambient operating temperature 0 to 55 °C
Mounting position CJ-series CPU Rack or CJ-series Expansion Rack
Maximum number of units per rack 5 units
Maximum number of units per CJ system 20 units (when up to 3 expansion racks are connected)
Occupied unit No. 2
Applicable standards cULus, EC directives

Models other than above conform to the general specifications of the CJ series.


Performance Specifications

Specification item Model
CJ1W-NC214/234 CJ1W-NC414/434
Applicable PLCs CJ-series
Number of
Number of words 18CH *
Controlled drivers Servo Drive of pulse train input type or stepping motor drivers
NC214/414: Open collector output type
NC234/434: Line driver output type
Pulse output method Phase difference pulse output, forward/reverse direction pulse output,
pulse + direction output
Controls Control method Open-loop control by pulse train output
Number of controlled
2 axes 4 axes
Units of control Pulse, mm, inch, degree
Positioning functions Memory operation, direct operation
Independent operation Independent, 2 axes Independent, 4 axes
Linear interpolation 2 axes maximum 4 axes maximum
Circular interpolation 2 axes maximum 2 axes maximum
Speed control Independent, 2 axes Independent, 4 axes
Interrupt Constant-
pitch Feed
Independent, 2 axes Independent, 4 axes
Data -2147483648 to +2147483647
Number of data 500 per task (4 tasks per unit)
Data Position control: 1 to 2147483647
Speed control: -2147483648 to 2147483647
However, this limits the maximum output frequency based on whether the
maximum speed is 4 Mpps (NC234/434) or 500 kpps (NC214/414).
Number of data 500 per task
Data 0 to 250000 ms
Number of data 500 per task
Function Override 0.01% to 500.00% (settable for each axis)
Software limits – 2147483647 to 2147483646 command unit (Settable for each axis)
Backlash Compensation 0 to 50000 command unit (settable for each axis)
MPG and
counter input
Number of input words 1 word (switchable for each controlled axis)
Input interface Photocoupler input
Maximum response
500 kHz
pulse counter
Number of input words 4 words (1 word per axis)
Input interface Line receiver input
Maximum response
NC234/434: 4 MHz (phase difference multiplication of 4 times: 1 MHz)
NC214/414: 500 kHz (phase difference multiplication of 4 times: 125 kHz)


* This indicates the number of occupied words of special I/O Unit area. In addition, this occupies areas that correspond
to up to 144 words according to the number of axes and functions which you use.


Functional Specifications

Function item Description
Absolute movement Specify the absolute/relative target position and target speed directly
in the ladder program to perform positioning.
Relative movement
Speed control Specify the target speed directly in the ladder program to perform
speed feed.
Interrupt Feeding Externally issue an interrupt input during absolute movement, relative
movement or speed control to feed the machine by a constant amount
to perform positioning.
Rotational axis
Rotational axes suitable for feeder and index table control are
supported. In addition to forward/reverse direction positioning,
you can also specify short-cut operation.
Target position
and target speed
Change the target position or target speed during absolute movement,
relative movement or speed control.
This control starts/ends the operations of multiple axes simultaneously
and connects the start position to target position of each axis by a
straight line. Linear interpolation of up to 4 axes is possible.
You can combine 2 desired axes and control each axis in a manner
which the axes draw a circular path.
Three methods are available to specify a circular arc: “Specification
of target position and center point”, “specification of target position,
radius and direction” and “target position and passing points”.
operation and
Set the target positions, target speeds and operation patterns in the
PCU beforehand to perform a series of operations automatically.
Continuous positioning and speed changes are also possible.
Sequence function Memory operation data incorporates a sequence feature that allows for
repetition of a given operation, start/end of operation data via external
inputs, and so on.
Accordingly, the PCU can perform various operation sequences without
affecting the ladder program of PLC.
Origin Search This function uses an external sensor, etc. to detect the mechanical
origin of the system.
You can select a desired origin search operation for your system from
15 different origin search operation patterns.
Origin Return This function performs the return operation to the established
mechanical origin.
Present Position Present It changes the present position to the specified data and establishes
the origin.
Deceleration stop The operating axis decelerates to a stop.
JOG Operation This function feeds the axis in the forward/reverse direction at a
constant speed.
Inching operation The axis inches in the forward/reverse direction.
MPG operation Connect a manual pulsar and perform manual feed.
Command unit setting You can set a desired unit of control for each axis according to the
Auto acceleration/
This function automatically generates an acceleration/deceleration
curve for axis operation. You can select the trapezoidal curve or
the S-curve based on a tertiary function.
time change
You can change the acceleration/deceleration time during
point switch
You can select one of three methods to connect speeds in different
operation patterns during continuous-pattern memory operation.
Override This function changes the speed of the axis which is currently in
positioning operation.
Backlash Compensation This compensates for the mechanical plays to increase the positioning
M code You can output M codes to implement interlocking with external
machines during memory operation.
Zone setting You can set a desired zone and assess whether the present position is
inside the zone. Up to 3 zones are settable for each axis.
Feedback pulse counter A feedback pulse counter input is available for each axis.
You can connect encoder pulse outputs from a Servo Drive to monitor
deviation from the command position, etc.
Absolute encoder You can input encoder pulses from a Servo Drive to a feedback
pulse counter to use a motor with absolute encoder.
This function supports OMRON G-series and G5-series Servomotors
with absolute encoder.
Teaching This function enables loading of the present position into memory
operation position data.
It supports not only the present command position, but also the
present position from the feedback pulse counter.
Torque limit output An output signal is available for operating the torque limit switch
input of a Servo Drive.
You can turn this output signal ON/OFF directly in the ladder
program. Also, Origin Search by holding supports automatic switching
of torque limits.
Software limits You can set forward/reverse direction software limits of axis operation.
If the positioning target exceeds software limit, it is detectable at the
start through a command value check.
Position or speed
error monitor
The PCU can monitor the position or speed error between the present
command position and present feedback position to generate an error
and stop the axis operation upon detection of an excessive error.
Error between
axes monitor
It can also monitor the error between axes during linear interpolation to
generate an error and stop the axes operation upon detection of an
excessive error.
Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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